Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Contoh Report Text

Example of report text:

General classification
            Being located in the equator line with average air temperature at 28C-34C.Extreme drought often occurs in Indonesia with numerous external causes and followed by significant impacts.


            Though location of Indonesia seems to be the major cause of drought that often occurs,today other external causes also play huge roles.Global warming that has been an extremely viral topic in 21st  contury
has increased the air temperature significantly.Climatologists also suggest the greenhouse effect is rooted from human reckless behaviours such as pollution from industry relate activities deforestation,etc.These human activities are led to numerous impacts.Agriculture is one of the sectors that got hit hardest.Low production and harvest failury so far have been known as the direct impact of poor irigation.To some extent drought also impacts public health.Numbers of disease may appear due to sanitary and water related problems.


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